Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Shepton Road, Oakhill, Radstock, BA3 5HT

Tel: 01749 840 233

Email: Surgery, Dispensary

Contact Details



Are you a patient, member of staff, relative, or carer of Oakhill Surgery? Then Healthwatch Somerset want to hear about your experiences. They will be visiting Oakhill Surgery on Wednesday 13th November between 9am and 12 noon to let you have your say on how and why your surgery works for you. After their visit, they will use your feedback to produce a report with any recommendations for those who provide services. All feedback is recorded anonymously. 

GP Collective Action

What is happening to GP funding and what are GPs doing?

Funding to GP practices is being eroded and many GP practices in the country are struggling to keep up with demand, and indeed some have been forced to close. However, at Oakhill Surgery, we have maintained good patient access and the national patient survey results are among the highest in the region for patient satisfaction. We would still like to support our colleagues in fighting for the resources to provide an even better service and for GP practices to receive the income that matches the costs and demand.

Please follow this link for more detailed information What is happening to GP funding and what are GPs doing?

Practice Newsletter

Please use this link to view our current Practice Newsletter September 2024

Oakhill Village Hall

Oakhill Village hall has been renovated with a brand new cafe facility. This space offers activites for the community and they are offering a warm space for patients who need to access this and meet other people. You can follow them on Facebook or view their website for updates via 


Order repeat medication, book and cancel appointments and view your GP health record.

The NHS App provides a simple and secure way for people to access a range of NHS services on their smartphone or tablet. Please watch these videos for more information Meet your NHS App.

The Hope Programme for Long Covid

The HOPE programme for Long Covid aims to reduce the negative impact of COVID-19 by empowering people across the South West to self-manage theirhealth and wellbeing, develop social connections and peer-support opportunities. Funded by the NHS, the programme for Long Covid builds on an existing evidence-based self-management intervention called the Hope Programme. Please visit The Hope Programme for more information and to book a place on the course.

New NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme

The NHS is delivering a new 12-month low calorie diet treatment for people who are overweight and living with Type 2 diabetes. For more information please visit NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme.

Patient Participation Group and Virtual Group

Did you know we have a patient participation group?

The purpose of the PPG group is to help us access and use your ideas for new projects, and gaining your views as to how the practice can improve and develop.

See our patient participation group page for further information.

Accessible information

If any patients require information in another format or wish to communicate with the practice in another format, please ask at reception and we will be happy to try and provide this for you. Eg, large font, braille or use of portable hearing loop.

Counsellor services available at Oakhill Surgery

We have a trainee counsellor at the surgery.

These sessions are provided at a low cost rate with a suggested donation up to £10 per session.

If you are aged 18 and over and feel this service would be helpful to you, please discuss this with your doctor or our practice nurse who would be happy to refer you or you can self-refer to any of the counselling services.

Half Day Training - limited services

The Surgery has staff training quarterly on a Wednesday afternoon 2pm-5pm. During this time patients will be able to contact us by telephone as usual, dispensary services will be available but there will be no routine appointments available during this time.

The dates of the staff training will be published on the homepage a number of weeks in advance.

Privacy notice

Under data protection law we must tell you about how we use your personal information. This includes the personal information that we share with other organisations and why we do so. Please also view our main GP practice privacy notice. This additional privacy notice provides details about the personal information that we are sharing with NHS Digital for its General Practice Data for Planning and Research data collection. For more information about this see the GP Practice Privacy Notice for General Practice Data for Planning and Research.

Pulse Oximeters

If you have been given a pulse oximeter by our practice and are unsure how to use it please see this short video. Adult Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Covid-19 Diary - YouTube 

Suffering from a virus?

  • Unsure if you need antibiotics or need to see a GP?
  • Unsure if you have a UTI and need some advice?
  • Want to know more about your medical condition?

See our Self Help page which has many leaflets and information to help.

Improved Access

Evening and weekend appointments at GP surgeries

You can now access routine appointments in the evening and at the weekend if you are registered with a Somerset GP.

Find out more about Improved Access

Health Connectors Mendip could help you.....

Your local Health Connections team are a valuable resource and can help support you with loneliness, peer group support, local group walks and activities or simply help you to achieve your goals. Contact the Surgery to find out more or you can contact a health connector directly. 

Health Connections Mendip page

Feeling lonely?

Find our what support there is out there

Are you a carer?

If you are a carer for someone, please let our reception team know.

We have a carers champion who will be able to provide you with carers information and where you can get support, should you need it.

Hospital information for patients

Find out the best way to get to a local hospital, transport links, funding, parking charges and local contacts for all the hospitals in the area. See our hospital guide.

Find out more about Hospital information for patients (Word Document)

If you need medical attention

'Choose' Well by choosing the right service. Further details can be found on the Choose Well leaflet.  The short video below is all about Choosing the Right Service.

