Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Shepton Road, Oakhill, Radstock, BA3 5HT

Tel: 01749 840 233

Email: Surgery, Dispensary

Contact Details


Holiday travel

If you are travelling abroad it is sensible to make provision well in advance of your expected date of travel, if possible a minimum of six weeks.

Useful websites (click to visit)

These websites can give you information on necessary and suggested immunisations for the destination you are travelling to.

Fit for Travel - a public access website provided by the NHS (Scotland). It gives travel health information for people travelling abroad from the UK

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

NHS Immunisation - the most comprehensive, up-to-date and accurate source of information on vaccines, disease and immunisation in the UK.

For information on immunisation clinics, including clinics near airports, please visit MASTA Travel Health
