Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Shepton Road, Oakhill, Radstock, BA3 5HT

Tel: 01749 840 233

Email: Surgery, Dispensary

Contact Details


Community Midwives

The Community Midwives offer antenatal and postnatal appointments and advice at St Peters Maternity Hospital in Shepton Mallet and Paulton Maternity Unit in Paulton.

They can be contacted on:

St Peters Maternity Hospital - Shepton Mallet 01749 342378

Paulton Maternity Unit - Paulton 01761 412107 


Health Visitor

A health visitor has a special interest in the under 5’s and information of your local health visitor can be found at the front of your child's red book. Please also see Health Visitor for more information.


Child Health

Child health surveillance and immunisations are performed by the Practice Nurse.  Letters will be sent by Child Health Immunisation Service at relevant intervals with the infomration on how to book your appointments. Please see NHS Immunisation Schedule for more information.


District Nurses

The district nurses provide nursing treatment for those who are confined to their homes.  This is normally arranged by the doctor when necessary or the hospital when a patient is discharged. 



The doctor can refer you to the Community Dieticians when approriate.
