Covid-19 Out of Hours News

Shepton Road, Oakhill, Radstock, BA3 5HT

Tel: 01749 840 233

Email: Surgery, Dispensary

Contact Details


Smoking cessation clinic

If you want advice and support to stop smoking please ask at reception or visit Healthy Somerset Smokefreelife where you can find details of your local support group or call 01823 356222


Diabetic Clinic

The Doctor and Diabetic Nurse hold regular clinics for diabetic patients. Appointments are sent to each patient at regular intervals.


Cervical smears

Women are encouraged to have regular smears. The practice runs a recall system with the Health Authority, so that reminders & appointments are sent out at the appropriate time.


Minor surgery

A wide range of minor surgery is available. This can be performed by the Doctor at the surgery. Your doctor will be able to discuss this with you in more detail.


Joint Injections

These are offered at the surgery. Your doctor will be able to discuss these with you in more detail.



Contraceptive advice and services are provided during surgery hours. We offer coils and implants at the Surgery.



The Doctor can refer you for counselling and you can choose to self-refer. More information on this can be found on the  Surgery News section.



We have a physiotherapist that visits Oakhill once a week. Please speak to reception to book an appintment. 
