How to make an appointment
You can contact our reception team on 01749 840233 between 8.30am - 6.30pm or if registered for online services you can book a routine appointment online.
To register for online services please speak to our reception team.
How to obtain telephone advice
Many problems can be solved and advice given by speaking to the doctor or nurse on the telephone. You can book a telephone consultation with a doctor or nurse of your choice where the doctor/nurse will ring you back. We are not able to give you an exact time of when the doctor will return your call, so please give contact details and the nature of the advice you are seeking; it might be appropriate to speak to a nurse or the duty doctor immediately if your problem is urgent. The receptionists are governed by codes of confidentiality; they can assist with accessing professional help, if you help them, by giving as much information as you feel comfortable.
Failure to attend a booked appointment
Please inform us if, for any reason, you are unable to keep an appointment so that it can be offered to another patient.
You are able to cancel appointments by contacting reception, through your online access or by replying to your appointment reminder text.
Home visits
We ask that home visits are only requested for patients who are housebound because of illness.
If the problem is due to lack of transport please arrange for a friend, relative or taxi to bring you to the Surgery.
If possible please contact the surgery before 10.00am for a home visit, to enable the doctor to assess the urgency of the visit. Please give the receptionist as much information as possible.
To request a home visit please call our reception team on 01749 840233.
Discharge from hospital
We aim to contact all patients discharged from hospital within 3 working days. You should be discharged from hospital with the approriate medication, however if you have any concerns please contact us as soon as possible.
Improved Access - Evening and weekend appointments
You can access routine, same day and telephone appointments in the evening and at the weekend.
You can access this service if you are registered with Park Medical Practice , Grove House Surgery , Oakhill Surgery , Beckington Family Practice and Mendip Country Practice who are working together to deliver the improved access service.
If you are registered at one of the above practices, appointments are available evenings from 6.30pm to 8.00pm Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings 9am - 11am.
Practices provide these services on a rota basis, please see the rota below to see when each surgery is providing evening or weekend appointments.
If you have booked an appointment to attend one of the above practices (not at Oakhill Surgery) the clinician will have access to your medical record.
To book or cancel an appointment either contact reception by telephone or via your online access.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following FAQ’s have been compiled by Somerset CCG